TimeBlazr® Business Management System
Highly successful people know that timing is everything. Decisions and actions taken when the time is favorable will have much greater traction and results. The personalized TimeBlazr® taps into the ancient wisdom of Auspicious timing for your business success based on your personal Astrology.
TimeBlazr® Month-At-A-Glance (Standard Version)

Do any of these ring true for you?
You procrastinate or get distracted.
You waste precious time.
You have great ideas, feel stuck and can’t take action on them.
You make disastrous business decisions, or lack confidence in your decision - making capabilities.
You don’t know why people aren’t purchasing your product or services, even though you’ve invested a ton of time and money in R&D.
You know your service or product rocks, but you can’t seem to get things to the next level.
It could be your timing is off and we can help!
How The TimeBlazr® Can Help You
Boost your success and prosperity.
Optimize your schedule for higher productivity.
Make crucial decisions at the optimal times.
Make important client calls or sign contracts for a win/win.
Boost visibility exponentially when launching a new product or service.
Know when to walk away from a partnership or client.
In today’s social, geo - political, and economic turmoil, it’s critical to have and USE every possible tool available at your fingertips for your competitive edge and success!
The TimeBlazr® decodes ancient Chinese wisdom into standard business English to help you make crucial decisions at the correct time, whether it’s about business, career, education, travel or even when to walk away from a partnership
What People Are Saying
My first quarter in business was beyond expectation. My numbers were exceptional and my staff received nice bonuses. We are all into my TimeBlazr® timing! I have been consistently communicating with my patient base and want to keep the momentum going.
Susan Schiff, DOM, FABORMI’m a doctor of acupuncture and Chinese medicine in Marin County, California. I’ve been working with Kathleen for 10 years to help support my practice, using her as a consultant and working with her TimeBlazr® System. It’s been integral to determining when to send marketing campaigns to running collections and I can’t recommend her highly or the TimeBlazr® enough.
Dr. Susan Fox, DACM, L.Ac., FABORMLast year, I did get the TimeBlazr® and we actually scheduled our essential oils classes on Success Days and they rocked! I was really able to use that to take advantage of when the best day is to reach out.
Lorri LockyerI’ve just signed up for the TimeBazr® program and I absolutely recommend it to other people all the time.
Kevin Kearney