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[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_column_text]The President of Omnirax Furniture Company, Philip Zittell, joins us on this episode of “Illuminating Feng Shui.” Learn how his company, that began by making jewelry, became a major player in the Broadcast, Office and Technical Business. Omnirax has become the preferred furniture provider for all Disney Radio, ESPN, Westwood One, Cumulus Media and many others including Ryan Seacrest’s home studio and The Ryan Seacrest Foundation’s nation-wide initiative “Seacrest Studios.”

Omnirax has been a leader in the evolution of ergonomic furniture since 1985. Philip will be focusing on office ergonomics and how it has helped people become healthier, happier and more productive. Along with Kathleen’s Business Feng Shui, Astrology and Timing perspectives and tips, listeners will get the ultimate insight on office space and ergonomics for optimized productivity. [/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Guest Bio:

Philip Zittell is the President of Omnirax Furniture Company in Sausalito, CA.

Sausalito Craftworks, Inc., the parent company of Omnirax, was founded in 1974 and began as a company that made jewelry.  

In 1985, Philip and his team designed a rack for electronic synthesizers. They made two and gave one to their local music store. They sold their rack that weekend and BOOM! They were in the Music Business and Omnirax was born. Omnirax created and defined the “category” of music Studio Furniture.

In 2003, one of their music dealers introduced them to the Chief Engineer for BOOM! They were in Radio Business, which seamlessly led to TV Business. Omnirax experienced a meteoric rise from unknown to major player.

In 2011, they joined BNI, a Referral Marketing organization. Philip met a physical therapist who led him to meet an ergonomic consultant, a chair manufacturer and an award-winning furniture designer and BOOM! They were in the Office Furniture business.

